Too Much Makeup?

 I innocently walked into pep one morning, hoping to get my cousin a pair of new shoes... Behold! A woman with ten layers of makeup passed by me, it was not a good sight.

 In makeup, less is more! Though, it might be tempting to just add everything (hoping to rock it of course) but don't! You won't be scrutinized for not putting enough makeup (is there such thing?) But, layers will get people wondering.


Wanna wear an awesome, loud lipstick? Do that, and reduce the eye makeup, go without eye-shadow. Keep the face still looking natural without pounds of makeup, eyeliner and mascara will suffice.

Or eye makeup catches your fancy? Just do that, and minimize your makeup by applying lipgloss, so there is a balance.
I'm a minimalist, and something beautiful about minimalist is, they look good without trying too hard. 

Well, go into the world and try this out! Share with friends and family, and happy Easter! XOXO


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